Istanbul Cappadocia Cairo

A perfect combination of Istanbul Cappadocia Cairo. Admire the famous Istanbul monuments, the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations and the Mausoleum of Kemal Ataturk in Ankara and the famous Cappadocia area and then Cairo and the Pyramids of Egypt.

DAY 1: ISTANBUL: Arrival in Istanbul, welcome & assistance at the airport and transfer to hotel. Free day.

DAY 2: ISTANBUL After breakfast full day visit to Istanbul. We begin our tour from Istanbul_Turkey_Hagia_Sophiathe Sultanahmet district, the heart of old Istanbul at Agia Sophia. Built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD this church is one of the marvels of world architecture. Its massive dome dominates the skyline of old Istanbul. It is famed for its mosaics, including glittering portraits of emperors and empresses (closed on Mondays).
Next we visit the Blue Mosque, which owes its name to the exquisite tiles adorning its interior. Dating from the 17th century, it is the only imperial Mosque with six minarets. The Hippodrome, the stadium of ancient Byzantium, held 100.000 spectators and featured objects from all corners of the empire. The Grand Bazaar was the commercial heart of the old city and its 4.000 shops are full of treasures – including carpets and kilims, silks, jewelry, ceramics, icons and leather goods (Closed on Sundays).
Lunch in a local restaurant and continuation of our tour. Our afternoon will begin at Topkapi Palace which, from the 15th to 19th century, was the principle residence of the Ottoman Sultans (closed on Tuesdays).
Little Agia Sophia Mosque is known as one of the oldest standing churches in Istanbul dating back to 6th century. It is early domed-basilica architectural plan of famous Agia Sophia which was applied here first time in the history.

Ankara_Turkey_Opera_HouseDAY 3: ISTANBUL – ANKARA – CAPPADOCIA: In the morning, transfer to airport for flight to Ankara. Arrival in Ankara & then to the city to visit the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations and the Mausoleum of Kemal Ataturk. Lunch and continue to Cappadocia. Dinner and overnight.

DAY 4: CAPPADOCIA: Visit the spectacular Cappadocia region, unique for its Cappadocia_Turkey_Hot_Air_Ballonfascinating and unique landscape formed by the lava thrown out by volcanoes Erciyes and Hasan, 3 million years ago. Visit the many monasteries and chapels in Goreme, World Heritage Site by UNESCO, dug into the rocks and decorated with frescoes of the tenth century (some of them very well preserved). Pass by and admire a panoramic view of the castle of Uchisar on top of a mound of volcanic rock crossed by tunnels and windows and Avcilar Valley. Lunch and in the afternoon, visit the village of Avanos, famous for its handicrafts and valleys and G?vercinlik Valley (Pigeon Valley). Visit the underground city of Kaymakli or Serhatli, one of 36 underground cities of Cappadocia served as a refuge for Christians. Return to hotel and dinner.

DAY 5: CAPPADOCIA KAYSERI – ISTANBUL: After breakfast departure to Kayseri airport for return flight to Istanbul. Arrival & transfer to hotel.

DAY 6: ISTANBUL – CAIRO: At the time indicated, will be transferred to airport for flight to Cairo. Arrival, welcome & assistance at the airport and transfer to hotel. Free day.

Cairo_Egypt_Cairo_MuseumDAY 7: CAIRO: Full day tour starting at the Museum of Antiquities in Cairo and the Bazaar with free time for shopping. After lunch following the tour to Giza where you will find the three Pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, the Sphinx and the Valley Temple.

DAY 8: CAIRO – MEMPHIS – SAKKARA: Half day visit to Memphis the first capital Cairo_Egypt_The_Great_Sphinx_of_Gizaof ancient Egypt with the famous statue of Ramses II. Rather then to Sakkara necropolis of Memphis where you will see the Step Pyramid.

Cairo_Egypt_Cairo_UniversityDAY 9: CAIRO:  Morning at leisure in Cairo for personal activities, shopping or participating in an optional tour. For the evening dinner on board a ship on the Nile (small night cruise ) with traditional entertainment and transfers.

DAY 10:  CAIRO – AIRPORT: At the indicated time  you will be transferred to the airport for your departure flight.

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Versión española de este paquete

Patmos_Island_Greece_The_CastleEstambul Cappadocia área crucero islas griegas y Atenas todo en 12 días .
Obtener una muestra de Estambul y Ankara y visita completa a la zona de Capadocia y luego al crucero a las islas griegas y una muestra de Atenas.

Con este tour visitará también Ankara, Capadocia, Pamukkale, Konya, Éfeso, Kusadasi, Patmos, Heraklion (isla de Creta) y Santorini

SÁBADO: ESTAMBULA su llegada, será recibido y trasladado al hotel elegido. Resto del día libre.

DOMINGO: ESTAMBUL: Después del desayuno, visita de día completo a Estambul. Istanbul_Turkey_Topkapi_PalaceComenzamos nuestro recorrido por el barrio de Sultanahmet , en el corazón de la vieja Estambul en Agia Sophia . Construido por el emperador Justiniano en el siglo sexto dC esta iglesia es una de las maravillas de la arquitectura mundial . Su enorme cúpula domina el horizonte de la vieja Estambul . Es famosa por sus mosaicos , incluyendo resplandeciente retratos de emperadores y emperatrices.
A continuación visitaremos la Mezquita Azul , que debe su nombre a los azulejos exquisitos adornan su interior. Que data del siglo 17 , es la única mezquita imperial con seis minaretes. El hipódromo, el estadio de la antigua Bizancio, celebró 100.000 espectadores y objetos destacados de todos los rincones del imperio.
El Gran Bazar es el corazón comercial de la ciudad vieja y sus 4.000 tiendas están llenas de tesoros – incluyendo alfombras y kilims , sedas , joyas , cerámicas , iconos y artículos de cuero (cerrado los domingos) .
Almuerzo en un restaurante local y continuación de nuestro recorrido . Nuestra tarde comenzará a las Topkapi Palace, que , desde el 15 al siglo 19, fue el principio de residencia de los sultanes otomanos.
Poco Mezquita Agia Sophia es conocida como una de las iglesias más antiguas de pie en Estambul que datan del siglo sexto . Es el plan de arquitectura abovedada – basílica temprano de la famosa basílica de Santa Sofía , que se aplicó aquí primera vez en la historia.

Ankara_Turkey_Opera_HouseLUNES: ESTAMBUL – ANKARA: Salida temprano en autobús hacia Ankara. Pasaremos por una zona muy fértil e históricamente muy rica, la antigua Bitinia y su capital Nicomedia. Parada breve en la ciudad romana de Prussias Ad Hippium, que fue capital de verano del Reinado de Bitinia. Almuerzo. Llegada a Ankara. Alojamiento y cena.

MARTES: ANKARA – CAPPADOCIATras el desayuno visita en la capital de Turquía Cappadocia_Turkey_Hot_Air_Ballondel Mausoleo de Ataturk (Fundador de Turquía moderna) y del Museo de Civilizaciones de Anatolia, que cuenta con una rica colección de hallazgos de Asia Menor, principalmente hititas. Continuación del viaje hacia Capadocia pasando por el Lago Salado. Almuerzo. Llegada a Capadocia. Alojamiento en el hotel previsto y cena.

Cappadocia_Turkey_High_ChimneysMIÉRCOLES: CAPPADOCIA: Desayuno y visita de la espectacular región de Capadocia, única por su fascinante y original paisaje, formado por la lava arrojada por los volcanes Erciyes y Hasan, hace 3 millones de años. Visita de los numerosos monasterios y capillas de Goreme, excavados en las rocas y decorados con frescos del siglo X (algunos de ellos muy bien conservados). Pasaremos por la fortaleza de Ughisar y el valle de Avcilar. Almuerzo y por la tarde, visita del pueblo de Avanos, famoso por su artesanía y los valles de Pasabagi y de Güvercinlik. Visita de la ciudad subterránea de Kaymakli o Serhatli, una de las 36 ciudades subterráneas de Capadocia que sirvió de refugio para los Cristianos. Regreso al hotel y cena.

JUEVES: CAPPADOCIA – KONYA- PAMUKKALE: Salida temprano hacia Konya, Pamukkale_Turkey_Travertine_hot_springscapital de los sultanes selyucidas en el siglo XI. Visita del Caravansarai de Sultanhan, donde paraban antiguamente las caravanas de camellos en la ruta de la seda. Visita del Mausoleo de Mevlana, poeta y filósofo que fundó la secta mística y religiosa de los Derviches Danzantes. Almuerzo en la ciudad y continuación del viaje hacia Pamukkale. Alojamiento y cena.

Ephesus-Turkey-Celcius-LibraryVIERNES: PAMUKKALE – ÉFESO – KUSADASI: Por la mañana, podremos disfrutar de Pamukkale, lugar espectacular único en el mundo, por sus deslumbrantes cascadas blancas y piscinas naturales. De camino hacia Kusadasi, conoceremos la antigua Hierapolis, la Necrópolis que contiene más de 150.000 tumbas. Almuerzo. Continuación hacia Éfeso. Ciudad grecorromana, antigua capital de Asia Menor y una de las mejores conservadas de la antigüedad donde se encuentran el Templo de Adriano, Templo de Trajano, el teatro y la Biblioteca de Celso. Visita de la Casa de la Virgen, lugar donde pasó los últimos años de su vida. Alojamiento y cena.

SÁBADO: KUSADASI – PATMOS: Por la mañana, traslado al puerto de Kusadasi para Ephesus-Turkey-The-House-Of-Vergin-Maryembarcar al crucero de 3 días por las islas griegas. Por la tarde, llegada a la isla de Patmos una pequeña isla griega en el Mar Egeo. Patmos es un destino para el peregrinaje cristiano. La participación en la excursión opcional, usted tendrá la oportunidad de visitar el Monasterio y la Gruta (la Cueva del Apocalipsis) de San Juan, donde vivió y escribió el libro de Apocalipsis.

Santorini_Island_GreeceDOMINGO: HERAKLION (CRETA) – SANTORINI: Vamos a pasar esta mañana para explorar esta hermosa ciudad , la capital de Creta , la más grande de las islas griegas. Tesoros arqueológicos , ruinas y museos magníficos , playas esplendidas y restaurantes fabulosos hacen Creta un lugar completo para vacaciones.
Usted puede participar en una de las excursiones opcionales y visitar las ruinas de Knossos , que en la época minoica fue el mayor centro de población en Creta y se encuentran en las cercanías o el Museo Arqueológico de la ciudad, uno de los más grandes museos de Grecia y el mejor en el mundo para el arte minoico , ya que contiene la colección más notable y completa de los artefactos de la civilización minoica de Creta.
Luego navegaremos hacia y pasar la tarde en la isla más impresionante , Santorini , creída para ser el continente perdido de la Atlántida, una de las joyas de los pequeños archipiélagos volcánicos cinco islas . Santorini fue creado debido a una erupción volcánica culminó en la explosión de una caldera del volcán , por lo tanto , sus paisajes agrestes salpicados de enormes acantilados.
La capital de Santorini , Fira, con casas blancas , calles estrechas y cafés al aire libre que se aferran a un acantilado, se encuentra en la parte superior de la hermosa isla donde se puede disfrutar de las hermosas vistas de la bahía . Descubra los pueblos de Santorini que conservan su autenticidad , con hermosos edificios azules y blancas y rocas volcánicas áridas . Es un muy fascinante y pintoresca isla . Un lugar mágico que no tiene nada que ver con el resto de las islas griegas, un lugar para difundir el carácter pacífico y hospitalario de su gente.

LUNES: PIREO – ATENAS: Llegada temprano por la mañana al puerto de Pireo. Karyatides_Acropolis_Athens_GreeceDespués del desayuno, desembarque y traslado al centro de Atenas. Por la mañana, visita panorámica del centro Neo-clásico Ateniense: Parlamento, Universidad, Biblioteca y Academia Nacional, Palacio Ilion, Templo de Zeus, Puerta de Adriano, Estadio Panatenáico y otros muchos míticos monumentos. Finalizada la panorámica, visita a la espectacular Acrópolis. Tarde libre en la ciudad.

Academy_of_Athens_GreeceMARTES: ATENAS: Día libre en Atenas para dar un paseo por la ciudad y conocer mejor los lugares y las personas. Buena oportunidad de visitar uno de los famosos museos como el Museo Arqueológico Nacional o el Museo Benaki. Utilice metro no sólo para su transporte, pero también visitar las diferentes estaciones para admirar piezas de arte antiguo y moderno. No se pierda la visita al barrio de Plaka (la antigua ciudad de Atenas) con un montón de tiendas de souvenirs, restaurantes y tabernas La excursión de día completo a Argólida considerase una excelente opción para aprovechar de este día libre.

MIÉRCOLES: ATENAS – AEROPUERTO: A la hora indicada dependiendo de su vuelo de regreso, traslado al aeropuerto.

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Istanbul_Turkey_Bosporus_Houses_03Istanbul Athens Vacation Package, balanced combination of Turkey and Greece.
Visit Istanbul and all of its famous monuments in one full and two half day sightseeing in the greater area. Get to know Athens, get a taste of the Greek Islands with visit to the nearby Islands of Aegina, Poros and Hydra.
Visit the Archaeological Site and the Museum of Ancient Delphi in a full day tour.

DAY 1: ISTANBUL: Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to your hotel. Balance of day at leisure.

DAY 2ISTANBUL: After breakfast full day visit to Istanbul. We begin our tour from the Istanbul_Turkey_Topkapi_PalaceSultanahmet district, the heart of old Istanbul at Agia Sophia. Built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD this church is one of the marvels of world architecture. Its massive dome dominates the skyline of old Istanbul. It is famed for its mosaics, including glittering portraits of emperors and empresses.
Next we visit the Blue Mosque, which owes its name to the exquisite tiles adorning its interior. Dating from the 17th century, it is the only imperial Mosque with six minarets. The Hippodrome, the stadium of ancient Byzantium, held 100.000 spectators and featured objects from all corners of the empire.
The Grand Bazaar was the commercial heart of the old city and its 4.000 shops are full of treasures – including carpets and kilims, silks, jewelry, ceramics, icons and leather goods. Lunch in a local restaurant and continuation of our tour. Our afternoon will begin at Topkapi Palace which, from the 15th to 19th century, was the principle residence of the Ottoman Sultans.
Little Agia Sophia Mosque is known as one of the oldest standing churches in Istanbul dating back to 6th century. It is early domed-basilica architectural plan of famous Agia Sophia which was applied here first time in the history.

Istanbul_Athens_Vacation_Turkey_Bosporus_HousesDAY 3: ISTANBUL – BOSPORUS: Half day cruise through Bosporus, the majestic strait that runs through Istanbul, linking Europe and Asia. From our cruise boat, we view the dramatic sights lining the Bosphorus’ wooded shores: mosques, a bridge that for a time was the world’s longest and Rumeli Hisari, a massive fortress built by Mehmet the Conqueror in just three months as he prepared to take Istanbul. Also noteworthy on this tour are the 19th century mansions of the Ottoman elite and the Sultans’ fanciful gingerbread palaces and hunting lodges Disembarkation at the European part of Turkey and transfer to your hotel.

DAY 4ISTANBUL – TWO CONTINENTS:  Early departure for the intercontinental Istanbul_Turkey_Sultan_Mehmet_Bridgebridge of Bosporus, to continue to the Camlica hill at the Asiatic part of Turkey which affords panoramic views of Istanbul, Marmara Sea, Princes’ Islands and magnificent Istanbul. Then visit the Beylerbeyi Palace on the shore of the Bosphorus, one of the most elegant of the late Ottoman palaces and boasts six sumptuously furnished reception halls. and a typical fish village along the coast of Bosporus with time at leisure for shopping.

DAY 5: ISTANBUL – ATHENS: According to departure flight we will transfer you to Istanbul airport for the flight to Athens. Arrival in Athens and transfer to your selected hotel. Balance of the day at leisure.

Acropolis Museum Athens GreeceDAY 6: ATHENS: Morning sightseeing tour of Athens including all famous monuments: House of Parliament, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Adrian’s Arch, Temple of the Olympian Zeus, the Royal Palace, the Academy, the University and the National Library. Tour will end by visiting the Acropolis and the new Acropolis Museum, “State of the art” in museum construction and very rich in content. On Mondays the new Acropolis Museum is closed.
Afternoon free to visit Plaka (The old Athens city) with lots of souvenir shops, restaurants and taverns.

DAY 7: ATHENS – AEGINA –  POROS – HYDRA:  This small cruise will take you to Hydra Island GreeceHydra, Poros and Aegina and bring you back in the evening full of fun and with the taste of the Greek islands.
Morning transfer to the pier of Piraeus, to embark your cruise ship for your full day cruise to the islands of Aegina, Poros and Hydra. Good opportunity to know a little bit of Greek Islands and visit a small part of Ancient Greece in the optional tour to the temple of Aphea Athina in Aegina.
On the return trip you enjoy a program with Greek music and songs and join the dancers on Greek folklore dancing. Included is the transfers to and from the port, port taxes and lunch on board.

Delphi_Greece_The_Museum_The_CharioteerDAY 8: ATHENS – DELPHI: Full day excursion to the Archaeological site of Delphi, once known as the centre of Earth. This tour will show you the ruins of ancient Delphi and also a big part of mainland Greece full of green places and beautiful villages. Ancient Greece was full of religious places like Delphi, also connected with athletics and medical services.
Delphi was the centre of Ancient World – the “Omphalos” (Navel of Earth) – whose prestige extended far beyond the boundaries of the Hellenic World.
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, in a landscape of unparalleled beauty and majesty, lie the ruins of the Sanctuary of Apollo Pythios.
Visit the Treasury of the Athenians, the Temple of Apollo and the Museum containing such masterpieces of Ancient Greek sculpture as the bronze Charioteer and the famous athlete Aghias.
You will have your lunch in a local restaurant and will return to Athens in the evening

DAY 9: ATHENS – AIRPORT:According to your departure flight, you will be transferred to the airport.

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Versión española de este paquete


12 días Turquía Grecia vacaciones de Lugares Históricos

Un recorrido lleno de historia en Estambul, la costa del mar Egeo de Turquía, Atenas, Delfos y los monasterios de Meteora.

MIÉRCOLES: ESTAMBUL: Llegada a Estambul, recepción & asistencia en el aeropuerto y traslado al hotel elegido. Resto del día libre.

JUEVES: ESTAMBUL: Después del desayuno, visita de día completo a Estambul.  Istanbul_Turkey_Topkapi_PalaceComenzamos nuestro recorrido por el barrio de Sultanahmet , en el corazón de la vieja Estambul en Agia Sophia . Construido por el emperador Justiniano en el siglo sexto dC esta iglesia es una de las maravillas de la arquitectura mundial . Su enorme cúpula domina el horizonte de la vieja Estambul . Es famosa por sus mosaicos , incluyendo resplandeciente retratos de emperadores y emperatrices.
A continuación visitaremos la Mezquita Azul , que debe su nombre a los azulejos exquisitos adornan su interior. Que data del siglo 17 , es la única mezquita imperial con seis minaretes. El hipódromo, el estadio de la antigua Bizancio, celebró 100.000 espectadores y objetos destacados de todos los rincones del imperio.
El Gran Bazar es el corazón comercial de la ciudad vieja y sus 4.000 tiendas están llenas de tesoros – incluyendo alfombras y kilims , sedas , joyas , cerámicas , iconos y artículos de cuero.
Almuerzo en un restaurante local y continuación de nuestro recorrido . Nuestra tarde comenzará a las Topkapi Palace, que , desde el 15 al siglo 19, fue el principio de residencia de los sultanes otomanos.
Poco Mezquita Agia Sophia es conocida como una de las iglesias más antiguas de pie en Estambul que datan del siglo sexto . Es el plan de arquitectura abovedada – basílica temprano de la famosa basílica de Santa Sofía , que se aplicó aquí primera vez en la historia.

Izmir_Turkey_Port_ViewVIERNES: ESTAMBUL – ESMIRNA: Por la mañana traslado al aeropuerto de Estambul para embarque en el vuelo con destino a Esmirna. Llegada y traslado a Éfeso. Almuerzo en la ruta. Llegada a Éfeso, visita de la ciudad greco-romana, antigua capital de la Asia Menor y una de las mas conservadas de la antigüedad. Visita de la Casa de la Virgen Maria, lugar sonde paso sus últimos anos de vida. Cena y alojamiento.

SÁBADO: KUSADASI – PERGAMO – TROYA – CANAKKALE: Después del Troy_Turkey_Amphitheatredesayuno, salida hacia Pérgamo, ciudad rival de Alejandría un de los mas importantes centros culturales, comerciales y médicos del pasado. Visita a esta ciudad Romana, veremos su Teatro, el Templo de Trajano, y el Altar de Zeus, etc. Almuerzo y visita a Troja, la famosa y antigua ciudad de 9 niveles. La fama de la ciudad viene de la R20;IlíadaR21; de Homero y la Guerra de Troja. Cena y alojamiento.

Bursa_Turkey_Silk_BazaarDOMINGO: CANAKKALE – BURSA – ESTAMBUL: Medio día de crucero a través del Bósforo, el estrecho majestuosa que pasa por Estambul, que une Europa y Asia. Desde nuestro barco de crucero, vemos las vistas espectaculares que bordean las orillas arboladas del Bósforo ‘: mezquitas, un puente que durante un tiempo fue el más largo del mundo y Rumeli Hisari, una enorme fortaleza construida por Mehmet el Conquistador en sólo tres meses, mientras se preparaba para tomar Estambul. También cabe destacar en esta gira son las mansiones del siglo 19 de la élite otomana y palacios de jengibre caprichosos de los sultanes y los pabellones de caza desembarque en la parte europea de Turquía y traslado a su hotel.

LUNES: ESTAMBUL – BÓSFORO: Medio día de crucero a través del Bósforo, el Istanbul_Turkey_Bosporus_Housesestrecho majestuosa que pasa por Estambul, que une Europa y Asia. Desde nuestro barco de crucero, vemos las vistas espectaculares que bordean las orillas arboladas del Bósforo ‘: mezquitas, un puente que durante un tiempo fue el más largo del mundo y Rumeli Hisari, una enorme fortaleza construida por Mehmet el Conquistador en sólo tres meses, mientras se preparaba para tomar Estambul. También cabe destacar en esta gira son las mansiones del siglo 19 de la élite otomana y palacios de jengibre caprichosos de los sultanes y los pabellones de caza desembarque en la parte europea de Turquía y traslado a su hotel.

MARTES: ESTAMBUL – ATENAS: A la hora indicada, traslado al aeropuerto de Estambul para embarque en el vuelo con destino a Atenas. Llegada y traslado al hotel seleccionado. Resto del día libre.

Academy_of_Athens_GreeceMIÉRCOLES: ATENAS: Por la mañana, visita panorámica del centro Neoclásico Ateniense: Parlamento, Universidad, Biblioteca y Academia Nacional, Palacio Ilion, Templo de Zeus, Puerta de Adriano, Estadio Panatenáico y otros muchos míticos monumentos. Finalizada la panorámica, visita a la espectacular Acrópolis. Tarde libre en la ciudad.

JUEVES: ATENAS – HIDRA – POROS – EGINA: Este pequeño crucero le llevará a Hydra_Island_Greece_BoyHydra, Poros y Egina y traer de vuelta por la tarde llena de diversión y con el sabor de las islas griegas.
Por la mañana traslado al muelle de El Pireo, para embarcar en el crucero para su crucero de día completo a las islas de Aegina, Poros e Hydra. Buena oportunidad para conocer un poco de las islas griegas y visitar una pequeña parte de la antigua Grecia en la excursión opcional al templo de Aphea Athina en Aegina. En el viaje de regreso que disfrute de un programa con música griega y canciones y unirse a los bailarines bailando folclore griego. Se incluye el transporte desde y hacia los puertos, las tasas portuarias y almuerzo a bordo.

Delphi_Greece_Archaeological_SiteVIERNES: ATENAS – DELFOS – METEORA: Inicio de la excursión de dos días siguiendo en dirección a Delfos, ciudad conocida como el centro del mundo, para visitar el museo local donde podremos apreciar la estatua mas famosa “La Auriga de Bronce”. Visita al recinto arqueológico de Delfos y por la tarde, salida hacia Kalambaka. Cena y alojamiento.

SÁBADO: METEORA – ATENAS: Meteora es uno de los complejos más grandes e  Meteora_Greece_The_Holy_Monastery_of_Great_Meteoronimportantes de los monasterios ortodoxos en Grecia, sólo superada por el monte Athos. Entre paisajes sorprendentes, encaramado en lo alto de las rocas enormes que parecen estar suspendidos en el aire, de pie monasterios sin edad, donde se puede ver exquisitas muestras de arte bizantino. Los seis monasterios se construyen sobre pilares de roca arenisca natural, en el borde noroeste de la llanura de Tesalia, cerca del río y las montañas de Pindo Pineios, en el centro de Grecia. El Meteora está incluido en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Regreso a Atenas a través de Trikala, Lamia, las Termópilas (visita el monumento del Leonida). Llegada a Atenas a principios de la noche.

DOMINGO: ATENAS – AEROPUERTO: A la hora indicada dependiendo de su vuelo de regreso, traslado al aeropuerto.

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YbaraThe service outstanding, our cruise was enjoyable


Sorry its taken me so long to response to your request.
The service was outstanding, our cruise was enjoyable except for a few things as follows:
We didn’t have much time to enjoy the island of Santorini, I took the same tour as before and we didn’t even have enough time to even stop and enjoy to town of Fira.  Last time out with your tour I had time to have dinner and still make it back to the ship. I was very disappointed about that.
The next time I visit your wonderful country, i will request a single queen size bed.
I enjoyed the stop in Turkey more this time taking the tour to Ephesus & Terrace Houses, the only problem with that tour was our guide, he couldn’t get the radio’s to work (not able to talk with us using radio’s).
We enjoyed the cruise very much, I wouldn’t want to go on a ship larger than the one we were on.
Again, thanks for your personal touch, greeting us and taking care of us.  We’ll see you again.
Art and Judie

Do you want to enjoy a similar cruise?

Delphi_Greece_Tholos_Athina_ProneaBalanced combination of Greece Turkey vacation.
Visit Athens with all the ancient monuments like the legendary Acropolis and the new Acropolis Museum.
Visit the nearby Islands of Aegina, Poros and Hydra and get a taste of all the Greek Island. Visit the Oracle in a full day tour to Delphi.
Visit Istanbul and all of its famous monuments in one full day tour to all the famous monuments.
Visiting the two continents and cruising the Bosporus  you have a full vision of the Istanbul greater area.

DAY 1: ATHENS: Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to your hotel. Balance of day at leisure.

DAY 2: ATHENS:Morning sightseeing tour of Athens including all famous monuments: Acropolis Museum Athens GreeceHouse of Parliament, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Adrian’s Arch, Temple of the Olympian Zeus, the Royal Palace, the Academy, the University and the National Library. Tour will end by visiting the Acropolis and the new Acropolis Museum, “State of the art” in museum construction and very rich in content. On Mondays the new Acropolis Museum is closed.
Afternoon free to visit Plaka (The old Athens city) with lots of souvenir shops, restaurants and taverns.

Hydra Island GreeceDAY 3: ATHENS – AEGINA – POROS – HYDRA: This small cruise will take you to Hydra, Poros and Aegina and bring you back in the evening full of fun and with the taste of the Greek islands.
Morning transfer to the pier of Piraeus, to embark your cruise ship for your full day cruise to the islands of Aegina, Poros and Hydra. Good opportunity to know a little bit of Greek Islands and visit a small part of Ancient Greece in the optional tour to the temple of Aphea Athina in Aegina.
On the return trip you enjoy a program with Greek music and songs and join the dancers on Greek folklore dancing. Included is the transfers to and from the port, port taxes and lunch on board.

DAY 4: ATHENS – DELPHI: Full day excursion to the Archaeological site of Delphi, Delphi_Greece_The_Museum_Kourionce known as the centre of Earth. This tour will show you the ruins of ancient Delphi and also a big part of mainland Greece full of green places and beautiful villages. Ancient Greece was full of religious places like Delphi, also connected with athletics and medical services. Delphi was the centre of Ancient World – the “Omphalos” (Navel of Earth) – whose prestige extended far beyond the boundaries of the Hellenic World.
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, in a landscape of unparalleled beauty and majesty, lie the ruins of the Sanctuary of Apollo Pythios.
Visit the Treasury of the Athenians, the Temple of Apollo and the Museum containing such masterpieces of Ancient Greek sculpture as the bronze Charioteer and the famous athlete Aghias.
You will have your lunch in a local restaurant and will return to Athens in the evening

DAY 5: ATHENS – ISTANBUL: According to depar-ture flight transfer to Athens airport for the flight to Istanbul . Arrival in Istanbul and transfer to your selected hotel in Istanbul. Balance of the day at leisure.

DAY 6: ISTANBUL: After breakfast full day visit to Istanbul. We begin our tour from the Istanbul_Turkey_Hagia_SophiaSultanahmet district, the heart of old Istanbul at Agia Sophia. Built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD this church is one of the marvels of world architecture. Its massive dome dominates the skyline of old Istanbul. It is famed for its mosaics, including glittering portraits of emperors and empresses.
Next we visit the Blue Mosque, which owes its name to the exquisite tiles adorning its interior. Dating from the 17th century, it is the only imperial Mosque with six minarets. The Hippodrome, the stadium of ancient Byzantium, held 100.000 spectators and featured objects from all corners of the empire.
The Grand Bazaar was the commercial heart of the old city and its 4.000 shops are full of treasures – including carpets and kilims, silks, jewelry, ceramics, icons and leather goods. Lunch in a local restaurant and continuation of our tour. Our afternoon will begin at Topkapi Palace which, from the 15th to 19th century, was the principle residence of the Ottoman Sultans.
Little Agia Sophia Mosque is known as one of the oldest standing churches in Istanbul dating back to 6th century. It is early domed-basilica architectural plan of famous Agia Sophia which was applied here first time in the history.

Istanbul_Turkey_Bosporus_HousesDAY 7: ISTANBUL – BOSPORUS: Half day cruise through Bosporus, the majestic strait that runs through Istanbul, linking Europe and Asia. From our cruise boat, we view the dramatic sights lining the Bosphorus’ wooded shores: mosques, a bridge that for a time was the world’s longest and Rumeli Hisari, a massive fortress built by Mehmet the Conqueror in just three months as he prepared to take Istanbul. Also noteworthy on this tour are the 19th century mansions of the Ottoman elite and the Sultans’ fanciful gingerbread palaces and hunting lodges Disembarkation at the European part of Turkey and transfer to your hotel.

DAY 8: ISTANBUL – TWO CONTINENTS: Early departure for the intercontinental   Istanbul_Turkey_Sultan_Mehmet_Bridgebridge of Bosporus, to continue to the Camlica hill at the Asiatic part of Turkey which affords panoramic views of Istanbul, Marmara Sea, Princes’ Islands and magnificent Istanbul. Then visit the Beylerbeyi Palace on the shore of the Bosphorus, one of the most elegant of the late Ottoman palaces and boasts six sumptuously furnished reception halls. and a typical fish village along the coast of Bosporus with time at leisure for shopping.

DAY 9: ISTANBUL – AIRPORT: According to your departure flight, you will be transferred to the airport.

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Versión española de este paquete

 Santorini_Volcano_Cruise_GreeceEnjoy your Greek island honeymoon in Paros Naxos Santorini.
Sandy beaches and the day and night life are waiting for you.
Taste the Greek and Mediterranean food, relax in the open air cafés.
Give or renew your love vows at Santorini sunset or Volcano Cruise.

DAY 1: ATHENS: Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to your selected hotel. Balance of the day at leisure.

DAY 2: ATHENS: Morning sightseeing tour of Athens including all famous monuments: The Parthenon on Acropolis Athens GreeceHouse of Parliament, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Adrian’s Arch, Temple of the Olympian Zeus, the Royal Palace, the Academy, the University and the National Library. Tour will end by visiting the Acropolis and the new Acropolis Museum, “State of the art” in museum construction and very rich in content. On Mondays the new Acropolis Museum is closed.
Afternoon free to visit Plaka (The old Athens city) with lots of souvenir shops, restaurants and taverns.

DAY 3: ATHENS – PAROS: Early morning transfer to the pier to board the ferry to Paros. Upon your arrival on the island, transfer to your selected hotel.

Naousa-Village_Paros-Island-GreeceDAY 4 : PAROS: Day at leisure in Paros, the island with the exquisite sandy beaches in crystal waters, the traditional villages with whitewashed cubic houses in narrow paved alleys contrasted with the many bougainvillea and lovely chapels. Paros was known in antiquity for its fine marble. The capital, Parikia, situated on a bay on the north-west side of the island, occupies the site of the ancient capital Paros.
Shadowed by luxuriant vines, and surrounded by gardens of oranges and pomegranates, the houses give the town a picturesque aspect. Not to miss the Ekatontapiliani Byzantine church in Parikia nor the nearby archaeological site.
Also one of the most cosmopolitan areas of the island is Naoussa.

DAY 5: PAROS – NAXOS: At the indicated time you will be transferred to the port for your ferryboat to Santorini. Upon your arrival you will be met and transferred to your hotel.

Portara-Monument-Naxos-Island-GreeceDAY 6: NAXOS: Free day in Naxos to enjoy the sun and the clear blue waters of the Aegean see and to taste the local cuisine and especially the cheese of the area known all over Greece. Naxos is also known within Greece for its potatoes. Naxos is the largest island in the Cyclades island group in the Aegean. It was the centre of archaic Cycladic culture. Naxos is the most fertile island of the Cyclades.

DAY 7NAXOS – SANTORINI: In the morning, transfer to the pier to board the ferry to Santorini_Island_GreeceSantorini. Arriving on the island you will be transferred to your selected hotel.
One of the jewels of small volcanic archipelagos five islands is undoubtedly Santorini. Santorini was created due to a volcanic eruption culminated in the explosion of a volcano caldera, therefore, its rugged landscapes dotted with huge cliffs.
Santorini’s capital, Fira, with white-washed houses, narrow streets and open air cafes that cling to a steep cliff, is at the top of the beautiful island where you can enjoy the beautiful views of the bay. Discover Santorini villages that retain their authenticity, with beautiful blue and white buildings and barren volcanic rocks. It is a very fascinating and picturesque island. A magical place that has nothing to do with the rest of the Greek islands, a place to spread the peaceful and hospitable nature of its people.
Not to miss the sunset from the Caldera nor the Greek and Mediterranean food in the islands restaurants and taverns

DAY 8: SANTORINI – VOLCANO CRUISE:  Today enjoy a half day cruise to the small Volcano_Cuise_Santorini_Greeceislands of Nea Kameni & Palea Kameni located inside the caldera, the Hot Springs with the green and yellow waters (with free time for swimming) and the island of Thirassia.
Pick up from your hotel and transfer to Vlyhada marina. Orientation with the boat and sailing on the south coast of the island.
We will pass near the red and white beaches and continue sailing the deep blue waters of the Aegean Sea to the Caldera. Near the Nea Kameni (volcano island) we will see the old port and then go to Palea Kameni and Thirasia. We will see the hot springs with green and yellow waters and have time for swimming here or in another place depending on the season of the year.

DAY 9: SANTORINI – ATHENS: At the indicated time, you will be transferred to the port for your ferryboat  to Piraeus. Arrival and transfer for your selected hotel in Athens

DAY 10: ATHENS – AIRPORT: At the indicated time, you will be transferred to the airport for your departure flight.

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Versión española de este paquete

Mykonos_Myconos_Island_Greece_SunriseGreece Honeymoon Package with visit to Athens and the world famous Islands of Mykonos and Santorini.

Enjoy the incredible night life in Mykonos, leave the romance enjoying the Santorini Volcano Cruise, taste the Greek and Mediterranean food.

DAY 1: ATHENS: Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to your selected hotel. Balance of the day at leisure.

DAY 2: ATHENS: Morning sightseeing tour of Athens including all famous monuments: Karyatides_Acropolis_Athens_GreeceHouse of Parliament, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Adrian’s Arch, Temple of the Olympian Zeus, the Royal Palace, the Academy, the University and the National Library. Tour will end by visiting the Acropolis and the new Acropolis Museum, “State of the art” in museum construction and very rich in content. On Mondays the new Acropolis Museum is closed.
Afternoon free to visit Plaka (The old Athens city) with lots of souvenir shops, restaurants and taverns.

DAY 3: ATHENS-MYKONOS: Early in the morning, you will be transferred to the port to embark the ferryboat to Mykonos. Upon your arrival on the island, transfer to your hotel.


Mykonos_Myconos_Island_Greece DAYS 4 & 5: MYKONOS: Days at leisure in Mykonos to enjoy the sun, sea & the beauties of this unique island.
Mykonos is known around the world as the Ibiza of the Aegean, the most popular destination of the Mediterranean. An international “jet-set” known for its beautiful sandy beaches, hundreds of tiny white chapels and incredible night life. Stroll around the streets of the capital that are considered the most beautiful of the Greek islands and enjoy the great night life. It’s easy to get lost in its maze of gleaming white walls dotted with blue domes and windows and balconies full of flowers. Have a coffee or a cocktail in one of the famous bars and promise to return for longer stay and more experiences.
Do not miss the visit to the shrine of Delos in honour of the Greek god Apollo, which can be reached after a delightful boat ride.

DAY 6: MYKONOS-SANTORINI: At indicated time you will be transferred to the port to embark the fast ferryboat to Santorini. Upon your arrival on the island, transfer to your hotel. Balance of the day at leisure.


DAY 7 : SANTORINI: Days at leisure to enjoy the beach and know better this unique Santorini Island Greeceisland. One of the jewels of small volcanic archipelagos five islands is undoubtedly Santorini. Santorini was created due to a volcanic eruption culminated in the explosion of a volcano caldera, therefore, its rugged landscapes dotted with huge cliffs.
Santorini’s capital, Fira, with white-washed houses, narrow streets and open air cafes that cling to a steep cliff, is at the top of the beautiful island where you can enjoy the beautiful views of the bay. Discover Santorini villages that retain their authenticity, with beautiful blue and white buildings and barren volcanic rocks. It is a very fascinating and picturesque island. A magical place that has nothing to do with the rest of the Greek islands, a place to spread the peaceful and hospitable nature of its people.
Not to miss the sunset from the Caldera nor the Greek and Mediterranean food in the islands restaurants and taverns

Santorini_Island_Greece  DAY 8 : SANTORINI – VOLCANO CRUISE: Today enjoy a half day cruise to the small islands of Nea Kameni & Palea Kameni located inside the caldera, the Hot Springs with the green and yellow waters (with free time for swimming) and the island of Thirassia. Admire from distance the town of Fira standing like in a picture on top of the black rock.

DAY 9: SANTORINI-ATHENS: At the indicated time, you will be transferred to the port to embark the  ferryboat to Piraeus. Arrival and transfer for your selected hotel in Athens.

DAY 10: ATHENS-AIRPORT: At the indicated time you will be transferred to the airport.

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Versión española de este paquete

Old_Bridge_Vikos_Mountain 6 reasons to head to Greece in winter, while you will find many more if you come for firt time!
Greece is so closely linked to summer vacations that it rarely features in winter escape plans.
That’s a shame, because while it rules the Mediterranean in the heat of July and August, it’s also got some pretty cool moves in the dead of December.
Falling temperatures sprinkle new magic on stone-built villages lost in deep forests and medieval castles built into that beautiful Greek coastline.
Throw vibrant cities into the mix, along with buzzing ski resorts — yes, ski resorts — and a whole new perspective of the country opens up.
Here are six classy places to consider for a Greek winter getaway.

Mountainous treasures: Zagorochoria
A hidden mountainous treasure in the Epirus region of northwestern Greece, Zagorochoria is a complex of 46 stone-built villages.
This parkland ecosystem is where locals take special guests to illustrate their ideals of natural beauty.
Scenic mountain roads and traditional arched stone bridges interconnect tiny villages filled with guesthouses and little cafes.

Thessaloniki_White_Tower  For city breaks
The main hub for northern Greece, Thessaloniki is an all-year round destination.
A hotspot, compact in size, the city’s Tsimiski, Mitropoleos and Proksenou Koromila streets are filled with fashionable boutiques.
There are fancy bars along Valaoritou Street, and many restaurants in between.
Its many engaging museums, important archaeological sites and byzantine monuments are an ideal winter cultural fix.




For mountains and sea: PelionPilion_Mountain
Hiking trails, villages and ski slopes with panoramic views of the Aegean Sea and the agasetic Gulf make Pelion a strong winter destination.
The mythical mountain of Centaurs lies in the southeast part of the Thessaly region, forming a peninsula surrounded by water.
Pinakates village, in west Pelion, looks like a scene from a painting, with stunning mansions and photogenic cobbled streets.


For snowy scenery: Evritania, Megalo Horio)
Located in the heart of Greece, the Evritania region has traditional villages, stunning gorges, heavily forested mountains and historic monasteries.
There’s plenty to do outdoors, including snow-fueled fun at Velouhi Ski Resort, on the slopes of Mount Tymfristos, followed by apres ski in the lively regional capital, Karpenisi.
Nearby, plenty of attractive villages offer traditional guesthouses and boutique hotels.
For year-round seaside escapes: Mani, Gerolimenas
Located on the middle of the three peninsulas of southern mainland Greece’s historic Peloponnese region, Mani stands at the meeting point of the Ionian and Aegean Seas.
Home to more than 96 traditional villages, Mani is dotted with traditional tower houses, Byzantine churches, sheltered coves, gorges and a coastline that provides a dramatic backdrop for any winter road trip.
There’s a local saying: “You need three lives to fully understand Mani’s soul: one for its sea, one for its mountains and one for its people.”
The Kyrimai Hotel helps visitors make a start on all of these.
Monemvasia_Old_Houses For dramatic scenery: Monemvasia
In the southern Peloponnese, the old town of Monemvasia is one of Greece’s best-preserved Byzantine citadels.
It’s a fairy tale-style castle, off limits to cars, located on a small islet linked to the mainland by a bridge.
It looks as if it’s floating on the Myrtoon Sea.
It’s surrounded by aristocratic mansions, churches, hammams, fountains and winding paths.
Monemvasia’s important role during the Byzantine period is still evident in the walls that dive into the deep blue sea.

Based on a post in

Malaysia GroupDear Apostolos,

Thank you so much for the customised arrangement for my group from Malaysia.
First and foremost, I would like to thanks Diego for the transfer. The moment we landed at the Athens airport, we were greeted by him with a big and friendly smile which make us feel at home.
You have been very professional in your work & had willingly provided us the extra service like calling the Santorini hotelier to arrange for the transfer.
Your buses were sparkling clean & comfortable throughout the duration.
We had a good time in Greece & will not hesitate to engage your service again if we do come back to Athens. Will definitely introduce you to my friends who plan to visit Greece.
Thank you and hope to see you again.

Best regards
Nellie & friends.

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